

Man phart (pair flutes)
Description The flute maker cut four bamboo joints stacked by the wood and spread by the beeswaxes. This instrument is a melodic instrument. The instrument can be played together with drum, cymbals and gong at the Yinbaws’ flagstaff (Takhuntai) festival. Since yore, this instrument has been preserved and handed down from generation to generation as a traditional heritage. There is no exact record in what year and era it appeared. -13.6 cm in the length of the pair flutes -4.7 cm in the distance of the pair flutes -12 cm in the length of the shortest bamboo -11.9 cm in the depth of the shortest bamboo -10.6 cm in the depth of the second bamboo -8.6 cm in the depth of the third bamboo -7.7 cm in the depth of the fourth bamboo -1.3 cm in the circumference of the biggest bamboo -0.9 cm in the circumference of the second bamboo -0.8 cm in the circumference of the third bamboo -0.8 cm in the circumference of the fourth bamboo -0.1 cm in the thickness of the bamboo
Manage No VI00000429 Running Time 0:21
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-07-08
Place Dawkhalikelin village, Loikaw District, Kayah State File Size 49.2MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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