

Ping Pang (bamboo harp)
Description A good quality of bamboo was cut off during the month when bamboos were chopped and then they have to be smoked or dried or fumed or desiccated. The main part of bamboo is peeled to get inner layer and outer layer as a bamboo_chip or a bamboo fiber. Then, a bamboo chip or a bamboo fiber is made to be flawless and smooth. The small blocks of bamboo are placed under the bamboo chips or bamboo fibers to produce melody. The inner layer is taken to produce original voice. There are seven bamboo chips or bamboo fibers which are represented as seven gongs. It comprises 4 notes of grain of bamboo and 3 notes of inner parts of bamboo. According to the song, It is played together with the instrument of dried gourd. -1 feet 8 inches in Length -10 inches in width
Manage No VI00000448 Running Time 2:43
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-02-19
Place Mintap, Chin state File Size 377MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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