

Ta-Lut (Bamboo flute)
Description Ta-Lut flute is made of bamboo. The holes of this flute are to be perforated at distances according to the size of flute. There are a total of 10 perforated holes including 7 finger holes, a thumb-hole, a membrane hole and a vent hole. In perforation process, mark the three divisions on the bamboo stick with the same distance. The lowest finger holes must be perforated at the starting point of second division, and the six finger holes at the same gap according to diameter of bamboo stick. The thumb-hole is perforated on the lower side of the flute at the point half- way between the upper sixth and seventh hole. The vent hole is perforated between the topmost finger hole and the tube end. The membrane hole is between the vent hole and the seventh hole. This wind instrument consists of a hollow tube and has to be played by blowing through a open hole at one end. Its melody includes vibration frequency according to Mon traditional songs. -1 feet 5 inches in length -1.5 inches in diameter
Manage No VI00000475 Running Time 4:37
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-07-02
Place Mawlamyine Township, Mon state File Size 638MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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