

Kyam (Crocodile Zither)
Description The crocodile-shaped zither was one of musical instruments that Pyu delegation performed in China in AD 802 as part of cultural exchange programme. Michael Sign, one of members of Eastern India Company delegation visited King Bodaw Phaya in 1795, wrote about this musical instrument in his book. There are two types of crocodile zithers, of which one must be played with fingers and other with plectrum. The 3-stringed Crocodile Zither must be played with plectrum by strumming with the right hand, and fretting and plucking the strings with left hand. The first and third strings are tuned to LayPauk (Fourth Note), while the second string to ThanHman Tapauk (First Note). The fine wood must be smeared with mud and left dry by itself. After it becomes well seasoned, it is curved into the shape of crocodile. The body must be made hollow. There is a sound hole underneath in which the sound is resonated. The three strings are stretched from its head to tail. There are two tuning pegs on the jaw of crocodile. The sound hole and the tuning pegs lie in different position. The strings are made of silk or nylon or alloy. Thirteen wooden frets are placed with the use of beeswax under the strings. -68 inches in length -7.5 inches in breadth -10.5 inches in height -17.5 inches in circumference
Manage No VI00000476 Running Time 4:18
Country Myanmar
ICH Domain Performing Arts, Traditional craft skills
Videos Photographer Year 2014-07-02
Place Mawlamyine Township, Mon state File Size 594MB
Definition 1920 X 1080 File Format mp4
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