
Contest Information

  • Project name
    Promoting and Developing ICH Contents in Kyrgyzstan in relation to the ichLinks (2021-2022)
  • Status
  • Division
    Content projection project
  • Year
  • Performance period
    2021-11-01 00:00:00 ~ 2022-09-07 00:00:00
  • Content

    1. Applicant

    A. Country: Kyrgyz Republic

    B. Name of organization: National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO

    C. Name of contact person: Sabira Soltongeldieva 

    D. Address: 54 Erkindik Blvd., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

    E. Telephone number: +996 312 626-761, 624-681

    F. Email address: natcomunesco.kg@gmail.com

    2. Activity descriptions

    1) Establishment and development of a national ichLinks platform. During the quarantine, ICH bearers and practitioners shared their knowledge and skills using online tools. However, there is no unified and systematized platform or website for the interested parties to find verified and available information about ICH in Kyrgyzstan. The development of a national ichLinks platform will provide an information adapted for the regions and comprehensible for all users. Particularly, a national ichLinks platform will be in Kyrgyz or Russian languages because most of the ICH bearers or representatives of the governmental institutions do not speak in English. Therefore, the establishment of this platform will contribute to awareness raising of the general public and serve as a source of database for all stakeholders. Overall, at the national ichLinks platform, around 50-70 ICH elements and ICH materials with photos will be covered and is a subject to further development. 

    2) Development of the ICHCAP ichLinks platform for the international communities. The information presented on the national ichLinks platform will be updated and finalized to the international communities including sections as ICH Elements, Stakeholders, ICH Story etc. It is planned to develop more than 40-50 ICH elements and all the materials will be accompanied with photos (photos around 60-80). Since the content will be developed in Kyrgyz or Russian languages the translation into English must be included. Moreover, the ICH contents such as the ICH Story, ICH journey as well as ICH news will be covered with due time that will take place on the territory of the Kyrgyzstan. 

    Employing staffs for the development of platforms: 

        Three ICH experts to create a content for platforms

        Translators (Kyrgyz-English-Russian)

        Translators (English -Kyrgyz-Russian)

        Photographer

    3) Organization of the national meeting for the bearers and practitioners. Since the pandemic, all the meetings and events with the participation of communities were canceled. Communities play a vital role in the safeguarding and transmission of the ICH. Therefore, it is extremely important to present the ICHCAP ichLinks platform as well as national ICH platform to raise their awareness and efforts made to safeguard their heritage. Moreover, after the quarantine the meeting will provide a great opportunity to collect communities from all regions of the country and discuss the challenges they have overcome during the pandemic. Governmental institutions, NGOs, mass media and other stakeholders will also be invited to join the meeting and requested to disseminate the information regarding the platforms. National Commission will provide logistical support for all of the activities, share available information and resource persons’ contacts, and support the organization of the meeting with publications about ICH and all other materials that need to be printed.

    3. Expected outcome

    A. The establishment and development of the national ichLinks platform available for the use of the general public in the country

    B. The development of the ICHCAP ichLinks platform for the international communities 

    C. Translation of all the necessary materials into English and Kyrgyz languages

    D. Raising awareness of ICH bearers and practitioners as well as other stakeholders about the ichLinks and the national ichLinks platform  

    E. Strengthening the collaboration for the safeguarding and transmission of the cultural heritage and its wider popularization in the country and abroad