

Terisakkan Spring Festival of Horse Breeders: Ayghyr kosu
  • Manage No PI00001881
    Country Kazakhstan
    Year 2013-05-04
    ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events, Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe, Traditional craft skills
Description Ayghyr kosu is a rite succeeding the milking. Young men lead stallions (ayghyr’s) out and keep them in check until women take milk away with them. Then the bridles are taken off and the stallions join their herds. Kazakh spring horse-breeding rites mark the end of the old and the beginning of the new yearly horse-breeding cycle. Rooted in the traditional knowledge of nature and in the millennia-aged close relations between man and horse, these rites involve skills inherited from the nomadic ancestors and adapted to the present day reality. The festive rites compiles of the triade: (1) .‘Biye baylau’; (2) ‘Ayghyr kosu’; and (3) ‘Kymyz muryndyk’. ‘Kymyz muryndyk’ (metaphorically, ‘initiation of koumiss’) is the 'first koumiss sharing' rite, opening a season of its making and drinking.
Photographer Emma Usmanova (Mrs)
Place Terisakkan, Ulytau Distrikt, Karaganda Province File Size 2.81 MB
Definition 3456 x 2304 File Format jpg
Copyright Emma Usmanova; Kazakhstan ICH Committee Copyright
Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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