

Ортеке - 001 (№2012-02-004)
  • Manage No PI00001914
    Country Kazakhstan
    Year 2012-02-04
    ICH Domain Performing Arts, Social practices, rituals, festive events, Others
Description Orteke (mountain goat) is the name of an indigenous Kazakh performing art in which flexible wooden figure of a mountain goat is placed on a traditional drum called dauylpaz. Orteke’s originality comes from it being a combination of theater, music, and puppet dance. The figure begins to move from the movement of the filaments attached to the fingers of a musician playing the dombra (Kazakh musical instrument). The expressive puppet figure, called teke (goat), seems to come to life when the master starts playing the drum. The figure makes funny dance movements in time with the rhythm of the music being played. It is also said that the orteke figure once came different shapes and sizes that were created individually, each with a different number of moving limbs, depending on which kyu was performed. Some masters of this genre can be played with two or three or more puppets simultaneously.
Place File Size 14105 KB
Definition 1920 x 1080 File Format tif
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Information source
Kazakhstan National Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage

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