

Knowledge and skills in making yurta-marquee
  • Manage No PI00007979
    Country Uzbekistan
    ICH Domain Knowledge and practices about nature and the universe
Description O'TOV (yurta-marquee) - mobile home, residence; the main residence of nomadic, semi-nomadic peoples. It is made of light raw materials (mainly wood) in a conical shape: a circular grill consists of a wall and a top part, covered with felt; therefore it is called "house", "felt house". A hearth is placed in the middle of the fire, and the interior is divided into parts (women's part, men's part, etc.) in a unique way. O'tov, which is the same in terms of structure, differs in appearance (decoration), height, and size. The word "Otov" was used to refer to houses built for brides, often covered with new white felt; white cloth is covered over new felt, decorated with white ropes. More luxurious O'tov is called "white house". Ordinary Otovs, often restored Otovs for household needs, are called "black houses". In historical written sources, it is noted that O'tov existed in the peoples living in Central Asia and South Siberia since ancient times, and even in the Middle Ages, O'tov was used to sew large four-wheeled carts. Until the beginning of the 20th century, Otov was present in several peoples of Central Asia and Central Asia, South Siberia, as well as Mongols and others. As a result of the settlement of peoples, O'tov partially lost its importance; mainly shepherds use it as a comfortable shelter.
Place Surkhandarya, Jizzakh, Navoi, Qashqadarya regions and Qaraqalpaqstan File Size 1mb
Definition 3000X2000 File Format JPG
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Republican Scientific-Methodical Center for Organization of Culture Institutions Activity

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