

Reflection on the Efforts to Safeguard ICH and Prospects for the Future
  • Manage No DC00000064
    Author Tu Weiming, Tim Curtis, Amareswar Galla, Lourdes Arizpe, Samuel Lee, Noriko Aokawa, Urtnasan Norov, Le Thi Minh Ly, Faroghat Azizi, Ananya Bhattacharya, Akatsuki Takahashi
    Published Year 2014
    Category Report
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher 유네스코아태무형유산센터
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description In the fall of 2013, ICHCAP convened an international conference celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. Held in Gwangju, this conference aimed at reflecting on the ten-year implementation of the Convention and its achievements as well as searching to develop future tasks. Under the title of “Reflection on the Efforts to Safeguard ICH and Prospects for the Future”, this conference provided a useful opportunity to review the effects and outcomes of the ICH Convention on many countries in the Asia-Pacific region and to share theoretical discussions as well as practical experiences with a panel of experts and various stakeholders dedicated to safeguarding ICH. This book includes the presentation papers and the summary of discussion of the above conference.
Contents (Author )
Keynote Paper: Asian Value of the Intangible Cultural Heritage-Spiritual Humanism for Human Prosperity Tu Weiming (Professor Peking University)
Overview of the Impacts of the 2003 Convention to the Asia-Pacific Region Tim Curtis (Head of Culture Unit UNESCO Office in Bangkok)
The Praxis of Safeguarding Intangible Heritage Amareswar Galla (Executive Director, International Institute for the Inclusive Museum)
The Genealogy of Intangible Cultural Heritage Lourdes Arizpe (Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Why Safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage? Samuel Lee (Director-General ICHCAP)
What Have Been the Effects of the UNESCO ICH Lists? Noriko Aikawa (Advisor for Intangible Cultural Heritage Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan)
Implementation of the 2003 Convention in Mongolia and ICH Safeguarding Tasks Urtnasan Norov (President, Foundation for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage) , Urtnasan Norov
The Task of Inventory, Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience from Vietnam Le Thi Minh Ly (Director, The Center for Research and Promotion of the Cultural Heritage of Vietnam) , Le Thi Minh Ly
Protection of Ustod-Shogird as an Essential Heritage Safeguarding Task Faroghat Azizi (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture in Tajikistan)
Investing in People to Safeguard ICH Ananya Bhattacharya (Director Banglanatak, India)
What Are the ICH Safeguarding Tasks? Voices from the Pacific Region Akatsuki Takahashi (Program Specialist for Culture UNESCO Office for the Pacific States)
Appendix: Summary of Discussion/ Profile of Participants

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