

ICH Webinar Series on Higher Education
  • Manage No DC00000180
    Author ICHCAP
    Published Year 2020
    Category Report
    Language English
    Publishing Country Republic of Korea
    Publisher ICHCAP
    Copyright Copyright
    Attach File Preview (ENG)
Description ICHCAP, in collaboration with UNESCO Bangkok Office, held the Intangible Cultural Heritage Webinar Series from June to August 2020 with a total of four sessions. Beginning with the first session discussing the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) during COVID-19, the 23 speakers from 18 countries met with the public to grapple with alternative practices and emergent modes of delivery in various areas such as heritage education in the universities, networking amongst educational institutions for ICH safeguarding, development of ICH curricula in times of crisis, as well as inter-regional cooperation for cross-cultural instruction and learning. This collection includes the programs and presentations of all the four sessions of the ICH Webinar Series.
Contents (Author )
Session 1. Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the COVID-19 in the Asia-Pacific Region Juliette Hopkins, Living Heritage Entity, UNESCO Anna Yau, Project Manager, The University of Hong Kong Yeo Kirk Siang, Director, Heritage Research and Assessment, National Heritage Board of Singapore Christopher Ballard, Professor, The Australian National University, Australia Eric Zerrudo, Professor, University of Santo Tomas University, Philippines
Session 2: Teaching and Learning Heritage-Related Disciplines during COVID-19 Pandemic Neel Kamal Chapagain, Professor, Ahmedabad University, India Kristal Buckley, Lecturer, Deakin University, Australia Nikhil Joshi, Senior Lecturer, National University of Singapore Danilo Pesce, Postdoctoral Fellow, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy Jin Jiangbo, Professor, Shanghai University, People’s Republic of China , Nikhil Joshi , Danilo Pesce
Session 3. Regional Collaboration amongst Higher Education Institutions for ICH Safeguarding Dr. Cristina Ortega Nuere, Professor, University Oberta of Catalunya Former President, European Network for Cultural Management and Policy (ENCATC) Dr. Jacob Mapara, Acting Director, Institute of Lifelong Learning and Development Studies, Chinhoyi University of Technology Prof. Mónica Guariglio, National University of Avellaneda – UNDAV (Argentina) Coordinator of ReCAPCILAC Network of Academic Cooperation in Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America and the Carribean Ms. Injee Kim UNESCO Bangkok Office , Monica Guariglio , Jacob Mapara
Session 4. Inter-regional Field Experiences on Curriculum Development for ICH Safeguarding Emily Drani, Executive Director, Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda Dr. Frances C. Koya Vaka’uta, Director, Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific Dr. Marc Jacobs, Professor, University of Antwerp

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