

Vietnam The 12 Lamp Initiation Ritual of the Red Yao People (Highlight)
Description The Yao people are one of the 54 ethnic groups of Viet Nam, residing primarily in the northern provinces of the country. According to the tradition of the Red Yao people, when a man gets married, he must go through a 12-lamp initiation ritual with his new wife. This initiation is an important ritual in the life of the Red Yao man - their rite of passage from an ordinary person to a member of the community. The film covers the entire ritual process with the ritual acts that reflect the belief system and the world view of the Red Yao people.
Manage No VI00000226 Running Time 1:00
Country Vietnam
ICH Domain Social practices, rituals, festive events
Videos Photographer Phan Manh Duong Year 2019
Place VIetnam File Size N/A
Definition HD Color File Format mp4
Copyright Viet Nam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies (VICAS), ICHCAP Copyright
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